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December update: New homes, software enhancements & tips for odd shaped rooms.

New homes continue to be built across the UK

Information from the Savills report today shows an estimated 9,000-14,000 new homes being built in England and Wales each year, with more and more of these houses being provided by SME housebuilders. The chairman of Homes England named ‘boosting SME housing supply’ one of his top ten priorities, so the outlook for small and medium-sized developers looks positive.

From our perspective, the increased activity in SME house building is good news, it not only helps the Government to reach their housing targets it will also deliver a trickle-down effect for smaller businesses. These businesses will include zPlan users who provide property marketing and floor plans.

Ultimately, new construction means new sales opportunities and we hope this increased activity will result in more business for your firm. Of course, you already know the best floorplan software, so happy drawing and do spread the word!

Software Enhancements

At zPlan we really value your feedback. Since the release of our new dynamic drawing function, we’ve been asked to take a look at why the first click doesn’t have the same functionality as subsequent clicks. So we have adjusted the functionality to allow your first line to be positioned at whatever angle you wish, the software will then still assist with gentle snapping if a 90-degree line is still needed.

As well as reacting to feedback on current functionality, we love to add new features based on assessor feedback. This month’s edition includes a measured room feature, allowing you to add individual wall measurements to your images. These lengths will snap to the walls, so can be used outside and inside of the building.

measured room feature

We always are at work in the back end to improve the stability and ensure that the site runs smoothly for all users. In the coming months we hope to bring forward new and exciting features, for all of our users, so keep an eye out. 

Video Tip of the Month

With the improvements to our dynamic tool, this month’s video tip of the month is once again the dynamic tool walkthrough. This tool is perfect for oddly shaped rooms, hallways and bay windows.

We hope our monthly newsletter has continued to deliver some valuable insights. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact a member of our friendly team. Keep an eye out for next month’s update for more great features and opportunities for our users so watch this space!

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