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December 2023: An end to another successful year!

So here we are at the end of the year, it’s been a tough year for all with the cost of living crisis, rising gas prices and strikes alike. But it seems to be a lucrative year for all, as plans were up this month compared to last year. We all at zPlan want to thank you for your continued business and hard work; it means a lot to us. 



A steadying economy and future falling house prices 

New build houses

With the economy finally showing signs of stabilisation from the economic slowdown set off by inflation, the Guardian states that “figures on the housing market are finally showing steadying amounts of activity”  in line with what seems to be a decline in mortgage rates two. 

In this steadying economy, it seems that buyers and sellers alike are starting to gain more confidence in the housing market, as it has shown a steady increase of 0.2 per cent each month since November. It is estimated however that this increase won’t last and that housing prices will drop by 1% with Zoopla commenting “The market conditions were the best for buyers since 2018.” 

What does this mean for us? Well,  with all this information in mind, that means that all of us as floorplan experts will hopefully see a lot more work in the new year as lower costs and a steadying economy will provide the opportunity for the selling and buying of more properties. 


Looking toward a bigger and better 2024 for zPlan 

So what’s on the agenda for us next year? well, it’s an exciting one for sure. We will hopefully be making appearances throughout the year at various events for you to come and learn more about what we have to offer and to say hello. We will be looking to do more development work to the software to make your experience on zPlan as smooth and easy as possible and who knows we may even see some new features.


zPlan end-of-year survey (Your chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher just before Christmas!)

Keep an eye out in the coming days for our end-of-year survey. Not only will it help us with invaluable feedback and new ideas for what you want to see in the software. it will also give one lucky winner the chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher to spend on whatever you like.


Video tip of the month 



“Can we copy a floor or do we have to re-draw it?” This has been an increasing question since our last newsletter and the answer is yes and it’s very simple to do. All you need to do is, click on floors, click on your highlighted plan and select either “Clone floor walls” or “Clone floor outline” and there you have it a replica of your floor plan. Now all you need to do is populate it. Still not sure how to do it? Then take a look at our YouTube video 


Potential Work for zPlan Subscribers – Capture Property Marketing needs you!


Capture Property Marketing is currently on the lookout for combined domestic/commercial energy assessor & floor plan service providers in the areas of Hampshire, Dorset, Surrey, Essex, Berkshire, Bournemouth and Cirencester. If you are interested, please email stating the area you are based in and briefly confirming the EPC & floor plan services that you provide. If Capture potentially has work to offer you, they will be in touch in due course.


We hope our monthly update has continued to deliver some valuable insights. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email a member of our friendly team.


Keep an eye out for our next update for more great features and opportunities for our users so watch this space!


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Happy drawing